Kishoge SID - view 0

Kishoge SID

In accordance with Section 182A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), EdgeConneX Ireland Limited, gives notice of its intention to make an application for permission/approval to An Bord Pleanála in relation to the proposed development described below.

The proposed development primarily comprises the provision of underground 110kV transmission line connections between the permitted Kishoge 110kv Gas Insulated switchgear (GIS) substation on a site within the townland of Ballymakaily, west of Newcastle Road (R120), Lucan, Co. Dublin, and the permitted Aungierstown – Castlebaggot underground 110kV transmission line located at Grange Castle South Business Park, Baldonnel, Dublin 22. The proposed transmission lines provide for a loop-in connection to the permitted Aungierstown – Castlebaggot underground transmission line along with associated and ancillary works.

The proposed development is located within the townlands of Ballymakaily, Clutterland, Grange, Ballybane, Kilmactalway, Milltown, and Aungierstown and Ballybane. The application site has an area of c. 3.78 hectares.

The proposed development is described as follows:

The proposed 110kV underground transmission line connections will originate from the Kishoge 110kV GIS substation. The substation was permitted under Reg. Ref.: SD19A/0042 and ABP Ref.: 305948-19, as amended under Reg. Ref.: SD22A/0105. The proposed 110kV underground transmission line connections extend northwards from the Kishoge 110kV substation, before proceeding to the east and then to the south, along the periphery of the lands in the ownership of the applicant, and continuing alongside the R120 before continuing to the south and crossing the R134 New Nangor Road. The route then proceeds further southward and to the southeast to cross the R120, continues to the south and then to the east (adjacent to the Old Nangor Road), crossing the Griffeen River and proceeding eastwards and then south before crossing the Baldonnel Road and proceeding eastward within lands to the south of the Grange Castle South Business Park access road, before reaching and connecting to the Aungierstown – Castlebaggot underground transmission line. The Kishoge to Aungierstown transmission line circuit will include 4 no. joint bays, while the Kishoge to Castlebaggot transmission line circuit will include 5 no. joint bays. The proposed 110kV underground transmission line connections will cover a distance of c. 2.2 kilometres.

The development includes enabling works, services diversions, joint bays, connections to the Kishoge substation and the Aungierstown – Castlebaggot transmission line, provision of a medium voltage electricity connection to serve the Kishoge substation from an existing ESB substation to the east of the R120, landscaping, services, all associated construction works, and all ancillary works.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of this application.